A couple of weeks ago I commented on President Bush naming former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson to "shepherd " his Supreme Court nominee (
here) -- thinking Fred might steal the show. Now,
McCain Suggests former TN Senator as New Justice , what do you know about that. I am not sure one way or the other -- an actor in the Whitehouse worked out pretty well.
WASHINGTON - Top Senate Democrats floated the names of potential candidates for the Supreme Court yesterday in a meeting with President Bush, describing them as the types of nominees who could avoid a fierce confirmation battle.
Later, during the Republican senators' weekly private lunch, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said he had recommended former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee for nomination in a conversation with Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove, Knight Ridder News Service reported. Thompson, a Tennessee Republican who plays a chief prosecutor on TV's Law and Order series, was chosen by Bush to help him shepherd his eventual nominee through the Senate.
Though some might not find this interesting -- I being a Volunteer do find the fact
Tennessee adds Air Force, Cal to future schedule very interesting. I remember the 1971 Sugar Bowl and having followed Air Force quite a bit in the 1980, think this is an interesting addition to the schedule.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee will open the 2006 and 2007 seasons against California and play Air Force in 2006 for the first time since the 1971 Sugar Bowl, the Volunteers announced Monday.
Tennessee will play seven of 12 regular-season games at home in Neyland Stadium each year, including four straight to begin 2006 and a pair of three-game homestands in 2007.
Buffalo News - Legacy of MacArthur stirs clash at memorialSouth Korean protesters clash -- proMacArthur/proAmerica supporters carried the US flag in support... How nice to see the US flag used by protester as a symbol of
GOOD in a foreign country
The dispute erupted when a small group of anti-MacArthur demonstrators marched at a MacArthur war memorial in the western city of Incheon, site of the general's 1950s landing. Thousands of MacArthur supporters confronted the protesters in Freedom Park, pelting them with objects and shouting insults. Police were present, and no injuries were reported.
UPDATE More information from The Korean Times
Victor Davis Hanson makes some interesting observation about Democrats in his column
The New Reactionaries. Mr. Hanson points to the fact that negativism -- the democrats current creed has never accomplished anything and offers some good advice.
We've seen such infantile negativism before, and it leads nowhere. The Republicans of 1964 were a red-hot bunch - out of power, hard-right and on the wrong side of civil rights. In the 12 years of the Reagan and George Bush Sr. administrations, Democrats were no better, resorting to demonizing Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. More recently, many Republicans descended into a mindless, obsessive hatred of Bill Clinton.
But the current Democratic furor and obstructionism are unprecedented and obviously self-defeating. How can we make sense of the Democrats' behavior?"
The Democrats should focus on new issues and faces and promote national optimism and an overdue return to a more inclusive broader-based populism. Instead, the leading members of the party — who have become the new reactionaries in American political life — choose to fixate on John Bolton and try to ankle-bite a wartime president working to bring democracy to the Middle East.
Apparently, the liberal opposition thinks sarcasm and negativism can reverse the larger political tide of the last three decades. Good luck.
Plame security breach? It just ain't so, Joe
I really have not commented on the Rove issue because "I could careless" -- well maybe that is a bit harsh but the "issues" seems to be to be a small fish in a very "big pond"... Mark Steyn articulates some of my observations -- in ways the "Rove issues" is simply liberal "smoke and mirrors" to hide the true liar.
This controversy began, you'll recall, because Wilson objected to a line in the president's State of the Union speech that British intelligence had discovered that Iraq had been trying to acquire ''yellowcake'' -- i.e., weaponized uranium -- from Africa. This assertion made Bush, in Wilson's incisive analysis, a ''liar'' and Cheney a ''lying sonofabitch.''
In fact, the only lying sonafabitch turned out to be Yellowcake Joe. Just about everybody on the face of the earth except Wilson, the White House press corps and the moveon.org crowd accepts that Saddam was indeed trying to acquire uranium from Africa. Don't take my word for it; it's the conclusion of the Senate intelligence report, Lord Butler's report in the United Kingdom, MI6, French intelligence, other European services -- and, come to that, the original CIA report based on Joe Wilson's own briefing to them. Why Yellowcake Joe then wrote an article for the New York Times misrepresenting what he'd been told by senior figures from Major Wanke's regime in Niger is known only to him.
As I wrote in this space a year ago, an ambassador, in Sir Henry Wootton's famous dictum, is a good man sent abroad to lie for his country; this ambassador came home to lie to his. What we have here is, in effect, the old standby plot of lame Hollywood conspiracy thrillers: rogue elements within the CIA attempting to destabilize the elected government. If the left's view of the world is now so insanely upside-down that that's the side they want to be on, good for them. But ''leaking'' the name of Wilson's wife and promoter within the CIA didn't ''endanger her life'' or ''compromise her mission.'' Au contraire, exposing the nature of this fraudulent, compromised mission might conceivab"
Even more important!
Here's the thing: They're still pulling body parts from London's Tube tunnels. Too far away for you? No local angle? OK, how about this? Magdy el-Nashar. He's a 33-year old Egyptian arrested Friday morning in Cairo, and thought to be what they call a ''little emir'' -- i.e., the head honcho in the local terrorist cell, the one who fires up the suicide bombers. Until his timely disappearance, he was a biochemist studying at Leeds University and it's in his apartment the London bombs were made. Previously he was at North Carolina State University.

Now what was people were saying about Tiger going down because of his swing change or his marriage -- or was it he had lost interest... Well guess not! British Open number two -- major number two this year -- and ten majors over all...
Possible link between London bomber, al-Qaeda groups, who would have thunk it... Of course, I am joking -- the real news would be if there was indeed no connection. Here are some excerpts form the
USA Today article:
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) � Authorities in Pakistan are looking into a connection between one of the London suicide bombers and two al-Qaeda-linked militant groups here, including a man arrested for a 2002 attack on a church near the U.S. Embassy, two senior intelligence officials said Friday.
US-led forces kill 24 militants on Pakistan border - Reuters.comI for one am glad that this boarder is not preventing our military and coalition forces from defending themselves or tracking down and eliminating the enemy.
MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) - U.S.-led forces killed 24 suspected Islamist militants on the Pakistan side of the Afghan border, Pakistan's military spokesman said on Friday.
The fighters, believed to belong to pro-Taliban and al Qaeda forces, were killed crossing into Pakistan late on Thursday near Lowara Mandi, a border village in the North Waziristan tribal region, Major-General Shaukat Sultan said.
"They are foreigners and suspected Taliban. They could be Afghans and people of central Asian origin," he added.
Pakistan has bridled in the past at U.S. forces' sorties across the border in the area around Lowara Mandi. [So What!]
This is another issue that I am a little late on but there is a bidding war for Unocal and my "knee jerk" response is that we cannot allow China to obtain this or any energy companies.
CBS 5: Chinese Company And Chevron Face Off For Unocal
(CBS 5) A former CIA director is warning that a Chinese oil company's attempt to take over Unocal poses a threat to national security, and those fears could help Bay Area-based Chevron win the bidding war.
I am late posting this, but here is a little of what was sorely missing in America after 9/11...
Muslim leaders in call for action, the leaders in the England's Muslim community have spoken up and this action goes a long way to quieten possible racism and building solidarity... I hope the American Muslim community is watching at the promptness and condemnation of the statement -- how long did it take for any American Muslim leaders to speak up after 9/11? (here are some excerpts)
Britain's top Muslims have branded the London suicide bombings "utterly criminal, totally reprehensible, and absolutely un-Islamic".
A joint statement of condemnation came as 22 leaders and scholars met at the Islamic Cultural Centre, in London.
Call Them What They Are: Those who murder Iraqi civilians are terroristsDallas Morning News ignores MSM terminology to call it like it is. Ooh Rah!
Today, this editorial board resolves to sacrifice another word - 'insurgent' - on the altar of precise language. No longer will we refer to suicide bombers or anyone else in Iraq who targets and kills children and other innocent civilians as 'insurgents.'
The notion that these murderers in any way are nobly rising up against a sitting government in a principled fight for freedom has become, on its face, absurd. If they ever held a moral high ground, they sacrificed it weeks ago, when they turned their focus from U.S. troops to Iraqi men, women and now children going about their daily lives.
They drove that point home with chilling clarity Wednesday in a poor Shiite neighborhood. As children crowded around U.S. soldiers handing out candy and toys in a gesture of good will, a bomb-laden SUV rolled up and exploded.
These children were not collateral damage. They were targets.
The SUV driver was no insurgent. He was a terrorist.
Report Discredits F.B.I. Claims of Abuse at Guantanamo Bay - New York TimesLest we forget Senator Durbin utilized "a report from an FBI agent" to compare our military to Nazis -- see my comments
here. Well I suspect this is the same report that has been discredited and reported in the "liberal's bible" -- The New York Times.
WASHINGTON, July 13 - A high-level military investigation into complaints by F.B.I. agents about the abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, concluded in a report released Wednesday that their treatment was sometimes degrading but did not qualify as inhumane or as torture.
No Gitmo torture, Senate panel told - The Washington TimesFBI agents assigned to the prison complained of what they considered abusive treatment. Based on 26 e-mails sent in 2002 by the agents, the Pentagon ordered U.S. Southern Command, led by Gen. Bantz J. Craddock, to investigate.
Gen. Schmidt said the e-mails, and surveys of all 493 FBI agents who worked at the camp, boiled down to nine purported cases of abuse out of 24,000 interrogations. Two were unsubstantiated; five were substantiated, but authorized by the Army Field Manual or by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld; and two were substantiated as unauthorized tactics that resulted in abuse.
Sharp Rise in Tax Revenue to Pare U.S. Deficit - New York TimesWell what do you know -- what the conservatives have been saying about the tax cuts is correct. What a shocker, at least to liberals, cutting taxes equals greater economic activity.
WASHINGTON, July 12 - For the first time since President Bush took office, an unexpected leap in tax revenue is about to shrink the federal budget deficit this year, by nearly $100 billion.
On Wednesday, White House officials plan to announce that the deficit for the 2005 fiscal year, which ends in September, will be far smaller....
OpinionJournal - Karl Rove, WhistleblowerHere is an interesting take on the "Rove" issue -- they believe Rove should be praised for outing a "fraud".
Democrats and most of the Beltway press corps are baying for Karl Rove's head over his role in exposing a case of CIA nepotism involving Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame. On the contrary, we'd say the White House political guru deserves a prize--perhaps the next iteration of the 'Truth-Telling' award that The Nation magazine bestowed upon Mr. Wilson before the Senate Intelligence Committee exposed him as a fraud.
For Mr. Rove is turning out to be the real 'whistleblower' in this whole sorry pseudo-scandal. He's the one who warned Time's Matthew Cooper and other reporters to be wary of Mr. Wilson's credibility. He's the one who told the press the truth that Mr. Wilson had been recommended for the CIA consulting gig by his wife, not by Vice President Dick Cheney as Mr. Wilson was asserting on the airwaves. In short, Mr. Rove provided important background so Americans could understand that Mr. Wilson wasn't a whistleblower but was a partisan trying to discredit the Iraq War in an election campaign. Thank you, Mr. Rove.
Media chants aside, there's no evidence that Mr. Rove broke any laws...
WorldNetDaily: Lawmakers seek protection for homosexual employees
Well what I have said would happen is... I disagree with the "people are born homosexuals" concept and wholeheartedly believe it is a choice and further believe in marriage being defined as "between a man and women"; however, it is still is not my business what they do in the bedroom. Now if these eleven representatives get their way we will have to answer a question like "please circle one a) homosexual b)heterosexual c) bisexual d) undecided -- on employment applications. Not COOL, and where is the compassions for homosexuals that want to "stay in the closet".
A group of 11 representatives in the House want Congress to add 'sexual orientation' to the list of protected characteristics used in regulating workplace discrimination in federal employment.
FrontPage:The Left's War Against the Military At HomeWonder if other liberals have the same outrage for this LACK of support for the military as they have about deceitful recruiting practices, practices that if proven true I have a problem with... My guess the left champions outfits like these.
Code Pink instructs its members on how to harass and shut down military recruitment offices. One of the tactics it prescribes involves having members schedule meetings with recruitment officers under the pretense of being potential recruits and then showing up for the meetings with groups of rowdy anti-military protesters. Protesters are urged to block doors, directly harass recruiters and stage "die ins" in front of recruitment centers. Code Pink's website displays a deep animosity towards military recruiters, referring to them as "warmongers and liars."
DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2005 - TAKE 'BUSH LIAR' T-SHIRTS OFFMoveon.org had parties over the weekend and advised their invitees to clean up their act... Well maybe some might be getting it -- but is it too late -- have they already show their true colors?
The MOVEON host reminded his guests: "We don't want to come across as leftist, liberal activists. We want to come across as we are- regular folks who are finally saying enough is enough to the extremists; that we're not falling for their extremist rhetoric anymore and we're finally going to expend the effort necessary to get our country back."
Fazio: "Please stay on message and just know that ANYTHING you say can be taken out of context and used against the effort."
One last suggestion from Fazio to his liberal MOVEON party-goers: "Oh, because a photographer will be here, might I suggest we put away our "Bush is a Liar" t-shirts. Let's look like they do."
Thought some might enjoy seeing Ron Reagan, JR get schooled by Chris Hitchens...
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