Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Get Out of the Closet No Matter What

WorldNetDaily: Lawmakers seek protection for homosexual employees
Well what I have said would happen is... I disagree with the "people are born homosexuals" concept and wholeheartedly believe it is a choice and further believe in marriage being defined as "between a man and women"; however, it is still is not my business what they do in the bedroom. Now if these eleven representatives get their way we will have to answer a question like "please circle one a) homosexual b)heterosexual c) bisexual d) undecided -- on employment applications. Not COOL, and where is the compassions for homosexuals that want to "stay in the closet".
A group of 11 representatives in the House want Congress to add 'sexual orientation' to the list of protected characteristics used in regulating workplace discrimination in federal employment.