Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Tracking Them Down and Killing them

US-led forces kill 24 militants on Pakistan border - Reuters.com
I for one am glad that this boarder is not preventing our military and coalition forces from defending themselves or tracking down and eliminating the enemy.
MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) - U.S.-led forces killed 24 suspected Islamist militants on the Pakistan side of the Afghan border, Pakistan's military spokesman said on Friday.
The fighters, believed to belong to pro-Taliban and al Qaeda forces, were killed crossing into Pakistan late on Thursday near Lowara Mandi, a border village in the North Waziristan tribal region, Major-General Shaukat Sultan said.
"They are foreigners and suspected Taliban. They could be Afghans and people of central Asian origin," he added.
Pakistan has bridled in the past at U.S. forces' sorties across the border in the area around Lowara Mandi. [So What!]