Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

Democrats - Reactionaries

Victor Davis Hanson makes some interesting observation about Democrats in his column The New Reactionaries. Mr. Hanson points to the fact that negativism -- the democrats current creed has never accomplished anything and offers some good advice.
We've seen such infantile negativism before, and it leads nowhere. The Republicans of 1964 were a red-hot bunch - out of power, hard-right and on the wrong side of civil rights. In the 12 years of the Reagan and George Bush Sr. administrations, Democrats were no better, resorting to demonizing Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. More recently, many Republicans descended into a mindless, obsessive hatred of Bill Clinton.

But the current Democratic furor and obstructionism are unprecedented and obviously self-defeating. How can we make sense of the Democrats' behavior?"
The Democrats should focus on new issues and faces and promote national optimism and an overdue return to a more inclusive broader-based populism. Instead, the leading members of the party — who have become the new reactionaries in American political life — choose to fixate on John Bolton and try to ankle-bite a wartime president working to bring democracy to the Middle East.

Apparently, the liberal opposition thinks sarcasm and negativism can reverse the larger political tide of the last three decades. Good luck.