Some, namely
Richard Cohen has seen the light --
But the message in this case truly is the medium. The e-mails pulse in my queue, emanating raw hatred. This spells trouble -- not for Bush or, in 2008, the next GOP presidential candidate, but for Democrats. The anger festering on the Democratic left will be taken out on the Democratic middle. (Watch out, Hillary!) I have seen this anger before -- back in the Vietnam War era. That's when the antiwar wing of the Democratic Party helped elect Richard Nixon. In this way, they managed to prolong the very war they so hated.
Like I have said for a long time -- Democrats keep the hate flowing, it will do more to help Republicans then any strategy they can come up with.
Technorati Tags:
liberal hatred,
Election 2008
This is a good
question ?
WASHINGTON - Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden would not be the first military man to head the CIA, so why are some in Congress vigorously objecting to his nomination on those grounds?
Though I have not discussed the President's choice for the new head of the CIA I do have a couple of questions.
- Why is the media against this guy weren't they quoting Generals just last week as if they were 'god like"?
- Why are democrats against this guy weren't they quoting Generals just last week as if they were 'god like'?
I guess it is simply that this General doesn't agree with their agenda... Seems to torpedo their support of the other Generals doesn't it?
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The story changes to the "I need help defense"... Kind of looses it luster after trying the "it was only a couple of pills" defense -- doesn't it?
Rep. Kennedy returning to rehabWASHINGTON - Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy said Friday that he was seeking treatment for addiction to prescription medicines after he crashed his car into a traffic barrier on Capitol Hill, in the latest crisis for one of America's storied political families.
Kennedy, a six-term Democratic congressman from Rhode Island, said he had entered rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
The congressman said he did not remember any details of the accident, which occurred shortly before 3 a.m. on Thursday. But he said, "I do know enough to know that I need help."
It is interesting to note that the link in the
previous story now takes you to a "rehab story" -- hmm, MSM assisting a Kennedy, who would have thought it?
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Going to vote 2:45am - sure, disoriented 2:45am - sure, all democrats will rally to support - sure, I believe him -
My only questions -- wonder if the congressional prescription plan covered the Phenergan and Ambien? What tier were these two prescriptions on? Could he have saved the taxpayers money by asking for generic?
Kennedy blames accident on medicationsWASHINGTON - Rep. Patrick Kennedy crashed his car near the Capitol early Thursday, and a police official said he appeared intoxicated. Kennedy said he had taken sleep medication and a prescription anti-nausea drug that can cause drowsiness.
Kennedy, D-R.I., addressed the issue after a spate of news reports. His initial statement said, "I consumed no alcohol prior to the incident."
Later, however, he issued a longer statement saying the attending physician for Congress had prescribed Phenergan on Tuesday to treat Kennedy's gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
Kennedy said he returned to his Capitol Hill home on Wednesday evening after a final series of votes in Congress and took "prescribed" amounts of Phenergan and Ambien, another prescribed drug that he occasionally takes to fall asleep.
"Some time around 2:45 a.m., I drove the few blocks to the Capitol Complex believing I needed to vote," his second statement said. "Apparently, I was disoriented from the medication."
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The protest are backfiring -- they are bringing to 'center stage' issues many have had with 'illegal immagrants'. This was the intent by the 'organizers'! These protesters are only pawns in the 'orgaizers' agenda and it is unfortunate that those protesters don't realize it and even worse if those 'against "amnesty"' don't realize it...
My opinion on this issue is the same it was a year ago - two years ago - and will be a year from now. There is a legal way to immigrate and an illegal way to immigrate, period. Companies that hire illegal immigrants should be held accountable and those here illegally should be returned and not supported by our economy. We should make it harder to enter this country from both the north and south and an illegal immigrant is and illegal immigrant whether they be Middle Eastern, Asian, European, or Mexican!
Now on the claim 'they are the only one's that will do the job' -- let me just say if their employment and presence were not allowed employers would pay competitive wages to get employees AND if the government did not pay people to stay unemployed over long periods of time more would be willing, no would have, to work! Besides I, having done 'manual labor' in the past to support my family, find this claim offensive -- Americans, a majority anyway, will do what they must to support their families!
After Protests, Backlash GrowsWhile a series of marches focused much of the nation's attention on the plight of illegal immigrants, scores of other Americans quietly seethed. Now, with the same full-throated cry expressed by those in the country illegally, they are shouting back.
Labor Site Backlash Felt at Polls In HerndonHerndon voters yesterday unseated the mayor and two Town Council members who supported a bitterly debated day-labor center for immigrant workers in a contest that emerged as a mini-referendum on the turbulent national issue of illegal immigration.
Technorati Tags:
illegal immigrant
I felt this was worth blogging -- just in case those that visit were not aware....
Official Website for Tiger Woods By Tiger Woods:
I’m very saddened to share the news of my father’s passing at home early this morning. My dad was my best friend and greatest role model, and I will miss him deeply.
Technorati Tags:
Tiger Woods
Many predicted, including me, that the left would pull the 'misunderstood' claim for Saddam Hussein and upon my return from a short vacation the New Times doesn't let us down. It fits doesn't it -- the left believes terrorist and the such should be treated as criminals and the same left are the ones that always want us to understand why the 'criminal' did it instead of worrying for the victim...
Saddam Hussein, Misunderstood - New York TimesTechnorati Tags:
Saddam Hussein,
Liberal Media
I have been on a lovely vacation with my 'better half'; however, I have returned! Ever notice how vacation are never long enough.
Did you read
this in the New York Times? If you did you might be interested in:
Corrections - New York Times A front-page article on Thursday about strain on government services in Texas caused by hurricane evacuees misstated the number of evacuee children in Houston public schools and the amount of Federal aid the state has received. The most recent count, in late February, showed 5,475 students, not 30,000. The aid is $222 million, not $22 million.
There is a really BIG gap in the actual numbers and the fictitious numbers reported. Then there is
this one.
Corrections - New York Times An article yesterday about criticism of the Small Business Administration's response to the 2005 hurricanes misstated the value of loans the agency has provided to victims. It is $842 million, not $336 million.
You just know as many readers read the correction as read the story -- don't you! What do you think -- honest mistakes, lousy reporting, or intentional misleading?
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Mada Bias,
moves forward with the process... Anticipating the negative comments these actions will generate.
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq's president formally designated Shiite politician Jawad al-Maliki to form a new government, as the country's parliament met Saturday to launch a political process aimed at healing wounds among ethnic and religious communities and pulling the nation out of insurgency and sectarian strife.
The move ends months of political deadlock among Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds which threatened to drag the nation into fullscale civil war. Al-Maliki has 30 days to present his Cabinet to parliament for approval.
Parliament elected President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, to a second term and gave the post of parliament speaker to Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, a Sunni Arab. Al-Mashhadani's two deputies were to be Khalid al-Attiyah, a Shiite, and Aref Tayfour, a Kurd.
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I predicted Democrats would turn on Senator Lieberman sometime ago. Dems quickly point when Republicans don't get along; however, they and the media have ignored the fact Senator Lieberman has by pushed aside in his party for sometime now. If the 'final axe' were to fall on Senator Lieberman I believe it would be bad for the Democratic party; however, this does show further prove that the Democratic party is not as "inclusive" as they want all to believe!
Democrats Say Lieberman Too Close to Bush "I think it's a challenge for Lieberman to reconnect to the rank-and-file of the party and prove he is an authentic Democrat," said John McNamara, chairman of the New Britain Democratic Town Committee. Bumper stickers spotted in Connecticut read, "Anybody but Joe — I want a real Democrat in '06." Campaign buttons show Bush and Lieberman in an embrace, with the words, "The Kiss: Too Close for Comfort."
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Election 2008
Go ahead and surf at work, well maybe,
"... the Internet has become the modern equivalent of a telephone or a daily newspaper, providing a combination of communication and information that most employees use as frequently in their personal lives as for their work."
read more |
digg story
Let's see if former Presidents get as much play as a FEW retired Generals -- my bet, since it doesn't support the MSM's agenda it want!
Former President Ford Defends Rumsfeld Ford, 92, says, "Allowing retired generals to dictate our country's policies and its leadership would be a dangerous precedent that would severely undermine our country's long tradition of civilian control of the military."
"It would discourage civilian leaders at the department from having frank and candid exchanges with military officers," Ford added. "And, today, at a time of war, such an effort sends exactly the wrong message both to our troops deployed abroad and to our enemies who are watching for any signs of weakness or self-doubt."
"President Bush is right to keep him in his post. It is the president's decision - and his alone."
Technorati Tags:
President Ford,
I believe this a step in the right direction -- the leaks must stop... The perpetrator does not have the country's best interest in mind and the crime demands action.
CIA Officer Fired for Leaking Classified Info to Media WASHINGTON — A CIA officer has been relieved of his duty after being caught leaking classified information to the media.
Citing the Privacy Act, the CIA would not provide any details about the officer's identity or assignments. It was not immediately clear if the person would face prosecution. The firing is a highly unusual move, although there has been an ongoing investigation into leaks in the CIA.
However, I do believe the media is getting a pass, come on a prize for sharing state secrets!
CIA fires agent over leak to media Post reporter Dana Priest spearheaded the reporting on the "black site" prisons and was awarded a Pulitzer Prize last week for beat reporting. The Pulitzer board called her reporting on the prisons "persistent" and "painstaking."
Culprit identified --
CIA fires employee for alleged leak The Associated Press has learned the officer was a CIA veteran nearing retirement, Mary McCarthy. Reached Friday evening at home, her husband would not confirm her firing.
UPDATE! Interesting information below!
News from the USIA Washington File Washington -- National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger announced June 16 the appointment of Mary O'Neil McCarthy as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs.
Technorati Tags:
CIA leaks
We learn -
Men and women are actually from the same planet, but scientists now have the first strong evidence that the emotional wiring of the sexes is fundamentally different.
I know this is shocking but it's true -- just read this
article. Are they kidding, you mean someone spent time and money on this study? I just wonder if any of MY tax dollars went to this study.
Since I doubt you heard this
General's opinion --
Washington -- Attacks against Iraq's vital infrastructure have decreased by 60 percent over the past three months, the spokesman for Multi-National Force-Iraq said April 13. Army Major General Rick Lynch, who briefed reporters at the Pentagon via teleconference from Baghdad, said the decrease is directly due to the presence of 250,000 trained and equipped Iraqi security forces operating all across the country, conducting important missions.
For Muslims
in Britain. A BANGLADESHI woman who shook a baby boy so violently that he suffered brain damage walked free from court yesterday because a judge conceded that she did not know how to behave in the West.
(Hat tip
Michelle Malkin)
What is
Just remember, those that think like
this are democrats. Nuff said!
Medical and public health attempts to control obesity should continue, but it is time to add marketplace approaches. The first step is realizing that, nationally, weight gain is not a medical problem, it's a pollution problem.
Democrats screamed voter fraud during the 2004 election and demanded changes be implemented; however, when change comes they fight it. Puzzling, why would they do this? Could it be that they want to be able to scream 'voter fraud' every time the loose? Could it be they are actually guilty of voter fraud? I am not sure by it is curious.
Democrats Will Appeal Ruling on Indiana's Voter ID Law "Indiana's voter ID law, widely regarded as one of the most restrictive in America, creates unfair obstacles that will prevent citizens who are lawfully eligible to vote from casting their ballots," said DNC Chairman Howard Dean in a statement issued on Monday. "I applaud the Indiana Democratic Party's decision to appeal this ruling," Dean said. "As part of our Party's commitment to doing whatever we can to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to participate in our democracy, the DNC will assist the Indiana Democratic Party's legal challenge to this unfair law and continue our fight to make it easier for all Americans to exercise their right to vote."
Technorati Tags:
Howard Dean,
voter fraud