Let's Get this Straight -
Democrats screamed voter fraud during the 2004 election and demanded changes be implemented; however, when change comes they fight it. Puzzling, why would they do this? Could it be that they want to be able to scream 'voter fraud' every time the loose? Could it be they are actually guilty of voter fraud? I am not sure by it is curious.
Democrats Will Appeal Ruling on Indiana's Voter ID Law
Democrats Will Appeal Ruling on Indiana's Voter ID Law
"Indiana's voter ID law, widely regarded as one of the most restrictive in America, creates unfair obstacles that will prevent citizens who are lawfully eligible to vote from casting their ballots," said DNC Chairman Howard Dean in a statement issued on Monday. "I applaud the Indiana Democratic Party's decision to appeal this ruling," Dean said. "As part of our Party's commitment to doing whatever we can to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to participate in our democracy, the DNC will assist the Indiana Democratic Party's legal challenge to this unfair law and continue our fight to make it easier for all Americans to exercise their right to vote."Technorati Tags: politics, Howard Dean, voter fraud