Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

Protest Backfiring

The protest are backfiring -- they are bringing to 'center stage' issues many have had with 'illegal immagrants'. This was the intent by the 'organizers'! These protesters are only pawns in the 'orgaizers' agenda and it is unfortunate that those protesters don't realize it and even worse if those 'against "amnesty"' don't realize it...

My opinion on this issue is the same it was a year ago - two years ago - and will be a year from now. There is a legal way to immigrate and an illegal way to immigrate, period. Companies that hire illegal immigrants should be held accountable and those here illegally should be returned and not supported by our economy. We should make it harder to enter this country from both the north and south and an illegal immigrant is and illegal immigrant whether they be Middle Eastern, Asian, European, or Mexican!

Now on the claim 'they are the only one's that will do the job' -- let me just say if their employment and presence were not allowed employers would pay competitive wages to get employees AND if the government did not pay people to stay unemployed over long periods of time more would be willing, no would have, to work! Besides I, having done 'manual labor' in the past to support my family, find this claim offensive -- Americans, a majority anyway, will do what they must to support their families!

After Protests, Backlash Grows
While a series of marches focused much of the nation's attention on the plight of illegal immigrants, scores of other Americans quietly seethed. Now, with the same full-throated cry expressed by those in the country illegally, they are shouting back.

Labor Site Backlash Felt at Polls In Herndon
Herndon voters yesterday unseated the mayor and two Town Council members who supported a bitterly debated day-labor center for immigrant workers in a contest that emerged as a mini-referendum on the turbulent national issue of illegal immigration.
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