Yahoo! News - Search Continues in Wendy's Finger Case
This is a disgusting story -- makes you think -- uck!
A woman said she bit into a partial finger served in a bowl of chili at a Wendy's restaurant, leading authorities to a fingerprint database Thursday to determine who lost the digit.
Seems that the employees still had all their digits so now they have to investigate backward to the packaging plants, etc. Gives new meaning to "got the finger"!
World News Article have just completed a search and found this artilce in only at one place -- why would LA and NY Times not pick it up? You maybe because it is good news? Go figure -- but this is great news nonetheless.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi soldiers backed by U.S. helicopters have killed several suspected insurgents and seized 131 more in a dawn raid, capturing tons of explosives earmarked for attacks on the holy city of Kerbala, officials say.
'It was a surprise operation based on intensive surveillance by military intelligence,' Defence Minister Hazim al-Shaalan told Reuters on Saturday. 'It was very successful.
Click on the image to see video - "I would have kept the tube in"

(Hat tip:
Jackson's Juction)
I really do like this man though he maybe democrat he seems, in my opinion, to be a good person.
Ynetnews - News - Google advertises HamasAs a loyal Google user I expect and hope this is corrected ASAP.
Terror organizations are advancing their recruitment and public relations methods: Internet surfers who enter the word "Hamas" in Arabic in the Google search engine, will view, in addition to the search results, an AdWord message that links directly to the website of the organization' military faction Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
Google has automatic filters that prohibit the posting of links to "problematic" websites, such as gambling and sex websites, but as of now they can only identify English words.
Company Spokeswoman Debbie Frost said "we took care of the matter as soon as Ynet turned to us," but Ynet has learned the advertisements have not been removed as of yet. - Top Iraq official: Government likely to be formed within next fewdays,This is good news right? Let us look at the how the reporter saw it
- "tortured negotations"
- "Iraqi politicians, however, have been reporting they were near a deal for at least a month.
- "Insurgents, meanwhile, continued efforts"
BAGHDAD (AP) - The Shiite Muslim politician likely to be Iraq's next prime minister said Saturday the country's long-awaited government could be formed within days, an accomplishment that would mark the end of nearly two months of tortured negotiations after the nation's first free elections in a half-century.
Iraqi politicians, however, have been reporting they were near a deal for at least a month.
Insurgents, meanwhile, continued efforts to thwart political progress by blowing up a car Saturday near a U.S. military patrol in Baghdad, killing two American soldiers and wounding two others. A day earlier, the military said, a U.S. Marine died in action in Anbar province, the insurgent heartland stretching from west of Baghdad to the Jordanian and Syrian borders.
These three optimistic statements were introduced in the first four sentences -- have to love these feel good stories don't you.
Here is an example of "insurgent friendly reporting" from
Algazeera -- have to love their dedications... As usual they have coconspirators at
CBS and
The LA Times. Nevertheless, like I stated
here at least the MSM can renew their delightful reporting on the Middle East -- you know last week there just wasn't any
bad news "good journalistic material" to report. You can go the links to read the stories. Good thing this is out for the weekend news push!
KRT Wire 03/25/2005 Highlights of Bobby Fischer's lifeI am sorry, but do we really care? Must have been a slow news day! However, I must admit I care about this more then I care about Jennifer and Brad - so I posted it.
Bobby Fischer, the 1972 world chess champion now exiled in Iceland, has led a storied life. Here are highlights:
The New York Times -- 23 Are Killed in a Series of Attacks Across Iraq
Well the MSM is happy -- they can report on Iraq again, there is bad news... Notice the "
relative quite" remark -- didn't hear that trumpeted this week as
good news did you? Nevertheless, I can assure you the
bad news will be shouted from the
media "mountaintops".
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 25 - A string of suicide bombings and armed attacks across central and northern Iraq on Thursday and Friday left at least 23 people dead, officials said.
The attacks, ending a week of relative quiet, included three suicide car bombings, the assassination of a high-ranking police official, and the killing of five Iraqi women who did cleaning for the American military.
Guardian Unlimited | North Korea: Drills Delay Nuclear Talks
This is just an asinine claim -- these exercises have been going on since before I was in the military, actually lasting nearly a month in the past... Just N. Korea being North Korea!
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea blamed joint military drills conducted by the United States and South Korea for a delay in the resumption of nuclear disarmament talks, the North's Communist Party newspaper reported Saturday.
The weeklong military exercises, which ended Friday, were ``derailing the resumption of six-way talks,'' the newspaper Rodong Sinmun said in a commentary also carried by North Korea's official news agency, KCNA.
More thoughts on this
story: Where was the consideration of this women's -- no wait this girl's right to decide... You know the old "it is her body yada - yada - yada" -- well she didn't decide, nor did her family the
MALE and his family did -- were is NOW (National Organization of Women), they should be
outraged, no wait they got what they wanted a died baby! - Canada: No refuge for U.S. soldier
Well, I agree with this but it is bad news for the New York Times and the "un-volunteers"(
story here). Do you notice the little "yet help improve" phrase? Canada better watch out the MSM could be getting ready to start the "it is only politically motivate" smear if one more "anti bleeding heart" decision comes down. As for me -- good for Canada!
TORONTO (AP) -- The Canadian government has denied refugee status to former U.S. Army paratrooper Jeremy Hinzman, a major blow to a handful of U.S. military deserters who have fled to Canada rather than fight in a war they claim commits atrocities against civilians.
Thursday's decision, which was formally announced on a government Web site, could affect at least eight -- and possibly dozens more -- American soldiers seeking refuge in Canada, yet help improve strained relations between Washington and Ottawa.
Mother arrested for attempting to intervene in her 14-year old's decision to have abortionHow far will abortionist go -- for or against abortion this is just wrong -- -- no matter how anyone attempts to spin it.
GRANITE CITY - A Southern Illinois woman was arrested last week (March 17) after trying to intervene on behalf of her 14-year old daughter's effort to have an abortion. The girl was allegedly taken to an abortion clinic by the mother of the man allegedly to have impregnated the 14-year old.
According to the girl's mother, her 14-year old daughter was called off from school in Madison County by a woman posing as the girl's "grandmother." The woman took the girl from her home only minutes before the girl's mother returned home from work.
(Hat trip:
GOP Bloggers - Texas oil refinery explosion kills 14This is bad news and just another tragedy in Texas City's history -- not many know of the tragedy, one of the worst in our country's history, that also happened in Texas City (information
here) TEXAS CITY, Texas - All but one of the 1,800 or so oil refinery workers have been accounted for after overnight search efforts following the thunderous blast killed 14 and injured more than 100 others, officials said Thursday."
MSNBC - Iraqi friendly fire incident kills 5This is bad news -- but I am guess the Iraqi police are happy a reporter was not around to videotape and swear they were out to get them -- or claim it was some vast conspiracy, instead of a horrible mistake.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi police mistook a group of Iraqi soldiers for insurgents Thursday and opened fire, sparking a 10-minute gunbattle that killed five in the northern town of Rabia. In the south, protesters demanded their representative be named the country's new oil minister.
Yahoo! News - Navy SEALs Sue AP Over Detainee PhotosI like this -- I believe that the only valid claim maybe
endangered the servicemen's lives.
LOS ANGELES - A federal lawsuit filed by several Navy SEALs and the wife of a special forces member claims The Associated Press violated copyright and privacy laws and endangered the servicemen's lives by publishing photographs of them with Iraqi prisoners.
The lawsuit, filed Monday in federal court in San Diego, seeks unspecified damages. It also asks the court to bar the AP from further use of the photos and to require the news agency to protect the SEALs' identities.
There has been another High School shooting rampage (originally posted
here) and as Michelle Malkin
advises there are those that claiming
racism because it is not getting the coverage of
Columbine -- this is ridiculous! I have seen plenty of coverage on this story and frankly too much of the other national story (infamous live or die case). This brings me to my point.
I would hope the media has learned a lesson and realize that the 'student' -- individuals -- that perpetrate these crimes want the coverage and if the coverage is indeed lighter then maybe, God willing it will help... However, I don't give the media for this kind of insight or concern for the public -- no, if these is a "shortage of coverage" I give the war in Iraq, the political battle over the fate of Terri Schiavo, or the infamous Michael Jackson... I stated before there is plenty of coverage and if there is less there is more world events taking place then during Columbine... Not to worry I am sure AE and Discover will do special along with a Movie of the week.
News Channel 32, Northeast Georgia -- Children Found Safe After ManhuntAfter the "courthouse shooting", it is good this story that initiated in Atlanta has a good ending.
ATLANTA (AP) - Police say two children kidnapped from their home early this morning by their mother's ex-boyfriend have been found safe.
Clayton County Police Captain Tim Robinson says the children were found with a relative of the suspect in Greensboro, North Carolina. Robinson says he has no other immediate information.