Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Canada Just Says NO - Excellent!

CNN.com - Canada: No refuge for U.S. soldier
Well, I agree with this but it is bad news for the New York Times and the "un-volunteers"(story here). Do you notice the little "yet help improve" phrase? Canada better watch out the MSM could be getting ready to start the "it is only politically motivate" smear if one more "anti bleeding heart" decision comes down. As for me -- good for Canada!
TORONTO (AP) -- The Canadian government has denied refugee status to former U.S. Army paratrooper Jeremy Hinzman, a major blow to a handful of U.S. military deserters who have fled to Canada rather than fight in a war they claim commits atrocities against civilians.
Thursday's decision, which was formally announced on a government Web site, could affect at least eight -- and possibly dozens more -- American soldiers seeking refuge in Canada, yet help improve strained relations between Washington and Ottawa.