MSM Can Start Talking About Iraq Again
The New York Times -- 23 Are Killed in a Series of Attacks Across Iraq
Well the MSM is happy -- they can report on Iraq again, there is bad news... Notice the "relative quite" remark -- didn't hear that trumpeted this week as good news did you? Nevertheless, I can assure you the bad news will be shouted from the media "mountaintops".
Well the MSM is happy -- they can report on Iraq again, there is bad news... Notice the "relative quite" remark -- didn't hear that trumpeted this week as good news did you? Nevertheless, I can assure you the bad news will be shouted from the media "mountaintops".
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 25 - A string of suicide bombings and armed attacks across central and northern Iraq on Thursday and Friday left at least 23 people dead, officials said.
The attacks, ending a week of relative quiet, included three suicide car bombings, the assassination of a high-ranking police official, and the killing of five Iraqi women who did cleaning for the American military.