The President Doesn't Bend
Bush Says No Timetable for Iraq Withdrawal - Yahoo! News
I believe the President is right, let's not make the enemy smarter by giving them a date they need to "try and hold out till"... Give me a break, setting a timetable is not an "exit strategy" like it is touted... An exit strategy is a definition of when we are done, finished, war won -- which was sorely lacking in Vietnam, but not Iraq. The finish has been defined by the President and everyone in the administration -- short version, when the country is secure, when Iraq security forces can provided adequate security, or both.
I believe the President is right, let's not make the enemy smarter by giving them a date they need to "try and hold out till"... Give me a break, setting a timetable is not an "exit strategy" like it is touted... An exit strategy is a definition of when we are done, finished, war won -- which was sorely lacking in Vietnam, but not Iraq. The finish has been defined by the President and everyone in the administration -- short version, when the country is secure, when Iraq security forces can provided adequate security, or both.
WASHINGTON - Despite growing anxiety about the war in Iraq, President Bush refused to set a timetable Friday for bringing home U.S. troops and declared, 'I'm not giving up on the mission. We're doing the right thing.'