Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Farewell and God Bless "Good and Faithful Servant"

CNN.com - Graham kicks off last U.S.crusade
I can remember going to my first Billy Graham crusade in Liberty Bowl memorial stadium before my teens and my Mom remembers listen to Billy Graham when she was young... This man was and is truly a servant of God and many of todays evangelist can and should learn something from Billy Graham... Mr. Graham met with many presidents but never repeated what was said, never clamored for the spotlight to prove he had the ear of the president -- would that not be refreshing today, to know that our president asked the counsel of a Godly man and that man proved his Godliness by not seeking fame. Just my opinion. Reverend Graham if this is your last crusade good luck, farewell, and God bless.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Despite illnesses that have diminished his once powerful voice and left him frail, the Rev. Billy Graham vowed to preach each night of his final American crusade.
He kept that promise Friday night, the start of a three-day event at a city park that marks the completion of his six decades of mass meetings.