Not crazy about polls, but I don't believe Democrats will want to see this
February 16, 2006--Twenty-seven percent (27%) of Americans believe that the recent hunting accident involving Dick Cheney raises serious questions about his ability to serve as Vice President. Twice as many, 57%, say it was 'just one of those very embarrassing things that happens to all of us.'
Technorati Tags:
Vice President, Cheney, Politics
I am sure the US media will ignore the 'victims' take on the incident -- but it is worth mentioning... Democrats motto for the last year --"ah shucks"! Adding to their dismay the 'victim' is doing fine. Cheney shooting victim calls mishap an accident The man accidentally shot by U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney said the quail hunting incident was nothing more than an accident and he apologized to Cheney and his family for causing a ruckus.
Technorati Tags:
Vice President, Cheney, Politics
Must be a slow news day -- but the MSM did get one story somewhat correct -- insuring Rush Limbaugh stays in the news they jump on a mistake... A mistake mind you that he (Rush) admitted he made. Wonder if the MSM could learn from this? Not sure that this is a newsworthy story, but every time I see these stories it make me think many in the MSM are saying "when I grow up I want to be like Rush".
CBS News Limbaugh Makes Error About Brown's Race AP) Brown is black in the eyes of Rush Limbaugh. When Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett was forced out of the Democratic primary in the U.S. Senate race in Ohio, the conservative commentator criticized The New York Times for not saying that the Democrats' preferred candidate is black.
"Uh, Sherrod Brown's a white guy? Then I'm confusing him with somebody. OK, I'm sorry," Limbaugh said this week.
By the way, thanks AP -- I haven't listened to Rush in sometime but with such newsworthy information coming from him I guess I will turn my radio dial back that way.
Technorati Tags:
Rush Limbaugh, Media Bias, MSM

This is what happens when you try to fix something late at night after waking.
I must admit
Thomas Sowell does a fine job of describing the current media and calling them on it.
The people who mattered -- doctors and local law enforcement -- were informed immediately about the hunting accident. What was President Bush supposed to do -- other than provide the media with something to print or broadcast?
The media are so full of themselves -- among other things that they are full of -- that they act as if the government exists to provide them with something to publicize. The time is long overdue to put these people in their place. Where is Margaret Tutwiler when we need her?
The New York Times informs us solemnly that, if Mr. Whittington dies, there will be a grand jury investigation.
If Mr. Whittington is so uncooperative as not to die, there will be much disappointment and frustration in Beltway media circles.
Justice Scalia takes am at the 'Living Constitution' theory --
ABC News: Scalia Dismisses 'Living Constitution' People who believe the Constitution would break if it didn't change with society are 'idiots,' U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says".
Scalia criticized those who believe in what he called the "living Constitution."
"That's the argument of flexibility and it goes something like this: The Constitution is over 200 years old and societies change. It has to change with society, like a living organism, or it will become brittle and break."
"But you would have to be an idiot to believe that," Scalia said. "The Constitution is not a living organism, it is a legal document. It says something and doesn't say other things."
Proponents of the living constitution want matters to be decided "not by the people, but by the justices of the Supreme Court."
Hmm, here is an interesting little fact should it be proven to be true. I have no reason to doubt it. What do you think, maybe a Michael Moore movie -- "Goridiocy"?
Al Gore Event Funded by Bin Laden's FamilyOn Saturday, the state-run Saudi news outlet Arab News reported that the Jeddah Economic Forum, where Gore spoke, was funded by "Saudi Arabian Airlines, the Saudi Binladin Group, Gulf One Investment Bank, Saudi Basic Industries Corp." and an array of other big companies with ties to the Middle East.
poll backs up some of my thoughts about Hillary for President.
The latest Rasmussen Poll reveals that only 27 percent of Americans would vote for Sen. Hillary Clinton as president. A sizable majority -- 43 percent -- said they would not vote for the junior senator from New York.
What will the Democratic base do/say? Why would these two speak for the wiretaps? My guess, since nether plan on a national campaign the polls of their constituents shows support for the wiretaps... This begs the question, what to these two really think?
Tom Daschle, Jane Harman: Don't Stop Wiretap Program Former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, along with the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Jane Harman, said emphatically yesterday that President Bush should continue his controversial terrorist wiretapping program.
Let's see we have on VP accidentally shooting a friend and another demonizing his own country -- which turns your stomach more? Sorry dems, but statements boarding on treasonous demonizing ones own country take the award! Al Gore not only speaks against his country and don't be fooled that he was talking speaking against republicans or President Bush -- he departed this country to make these blanket statements against his country, treasonous! Below is an article that takes Gore to task -
Investor's Business Daily: The Shame Of Al Gore Gore indicted the American government for its 'terrible abuses' of Arabs since the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington.
What possesses a former vice president of the U.S. to travel to the birthplace of Islamist terrorism and denounce his country?
Robert C.J. Parry, a first lieutenant in the California Army National Guard's 1st battalion of the 184 Infantry, writes
The war you didn't see -- a must read op-ed.
So far, 14 of our soldiers have been decorated for valor and another 48 have earned the Bronze Star for service. But that cannot be found in print.
The more this man talks the more Americans are happy he did not win in 2000. It is amazing a man, who departs goes overseas and trashes a country he claims to love, came so close to the presidency... Thank God he will never come that close again.
Gore Laments U.S. 'Abuses' Against Arabs "The thoughtless way in which visas are now handled, that is a mistake," Gore said during the Jiddah Economic Forum. 'The worst thing we can possibly do is to cut off the channels of friendship and mutual understanding between Saudi Arabia and the United States."
Gore told the largely Saudi audience, many of them educated at U.S. universities, that Arabs in the United States had been 'indiscriminately rounded up, often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable."
"Unfortunately there have been terrible abuses and it's wrong,' Gore said. 'I do want you to know that it does not represent the desires or wishes or feelings of the majority of the citizens of my country."
I am for technological advances in fact recommend them all the time; however, this is going just a tad bit to far in my opinion! / By industry / IT - US group implants electronic tags in workers An Ohio company has embedded silicon chips in two of its employees - the first known case in which US workers have been “tagged” electronically as a way of identifying them. An Ohio company has embedded silicon chips in two of its employees - the first known case in which US workers have been “tagged” electronically as a way of identifying them.
Thought some might find this BBC article "why the net should stay neutral" interesting!
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