MSM Gets One Right - Well Almost
Must be a slow news day -- but the MSM did get one story somewhat correct -- insuring Rush Limbaugh stays in the news they jump on a mistake... A mistake mind you that he (Rush) admitted he made. Wonder if the MSM could learn from this? Not sure that this is a newsworthy story, but every time I see these stories it make me think many in the MSM are saying "when I grow up I want to be like Rush".
CBS News Limbaugh Makes Error About Brown's Race
Technorati Tags:
Rush Limbaugh, Media Bias, MSM
CBS News Limbaugh Makes Error About Brown's Race
AP) Brown is black in the eyes of Rush Limbaugh. When Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett was forced out of the Democratic primary in the U.S. Senate race in Ohio, the conservative commentator criticized The New York Times for not saying that the Democrats' preferred candidate is black.By the way, thanks AP -- I haven't listened to Rush in sometime but with such newsworthy information coming from him I guess I will turn my radio dial back that way.
"Uh, Sherrod Brown's a white guy? Then I'm confusing him with somebody. OK, I'm sorry," Limbaugh said this week.
Technorati Tags:
Rush Limbaugh, Media Bias, MSM