Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

Blake Innocent?

FOXNews.com - Blake Found Not Guilty of Murder:
Well I have not followed this case, but what I did hear sounded pretty damning... Well considering the previous news today and this maybe guilt or innocence in California depends on your celebrity even if it is from years gone by -- who knows.
LOS ANGELES - The jury in the Robert Blake (search) murder trial has found the 'Baretta' actor not guilty of the 2001 murder of his wife, Bonny Lee Bakley (search).
Jurors also acquitted Blake of one charge that Blake solicited murder, but deadlocked on a second solicitation charge. The jury voted 11-1 in favor of acquittal and the judge dismissed the count.

Bush Concedes -- What?

USATODAY.com - Bush concedes accounts won't fix Social Security
You have to love the "spin" in the headlines -- this is news? I have known this and the administration has acknowledged this for months, which is why many democrats along with the AARP have said his [President Bush's] plan would cut benefits, even before we knew what the plan looked like. From the beginning the plan was said to call for "private or personal accounts" and a change in the way benefits are figured to address the solvency issue -- President Bush conceded nothing, maybe the reporter just did not understand the plan from the get go, which I fear is an issue with many other Americans. Nevertheless, you have to admire the continual effort to make President Bush look bad, but unlike the media thinks most Americans are intelligent and realize the intent.
WASHINGTON -- President Bush conceded Wednesday that private accounts do not address the projected problems with Social Security, but he defended his approach and said he wanted more input from Congress on overhauling the troubled system.

Senate Opens Arctic to Drilling

MSNBC - Senate votes to open arctic refuge to oil drilling
Breaking news -- a blow to environmentalist, a vote for Human needs over animal rights. Now before anyone jumps on the "you want the world to end" bandwagon; no I do not! I do believe we should be good stewards of our earthly resources but do not believe this means we, as humans, must sacrifice for nature... Not to mention the little known fact that the caribou that are suppose to die were supposed to have died after the "Alaskan pipeline" construction -- what happened -- the herd multiplied… Go figure! This is not the final decision but it is a step! Another bright side -- the oil prices may go down just with the threat of opening this area up to drilling.
WASHINGTON - Amid the backdrop of soaring oil and gasoline prices, a sharply divided Senate on Wednesday voted to open the ecologically rich Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling, delivering a major energy policy win for President Bush.

The Senate, by a 51-49 vote, rejected an attempt by Democrats and GOP moderates to remove a refuge drilling provision from next year’s budget.

The action, assuming Congress agrees on a budget, clears the way for approving drilling in the refuge later this year, drilling supporters said.

Death Penalty

Top News Article Reuters.com
Guilty and the death penalty in California -- wonders never cease.
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (Reuters) - A California judge said on Wednesday that he agreed with the jury's death penalty sentence against Scott Peterson, who was convicted of murdering his wife and unborn son in a case that attracted nationwide attention.
The judge was to formally sentence Peterson later on Wednesday.

Taiz "Tea Party"

BBC NEWS -- Riots in Yemen over sales tax
Just a quick read caused me to flashback to when I first heard about the "Boston Tea Party" during one of my first history lessons.
Police in Yemen have clashed with demonstrators on a second day of protest over a proposed sales tax rise.
In Taiz, about 250 kilometres south of the capital, Sanaa, as many as nine people are reported to have been injured and another 10 detained.

Italy Confirms

BBC NEWS -- Italy confirms Iraq troop plans
Well it is officially confirmed -- as if we did not know the first 100 articles were. Maybe it is just me but I find is suspicious when you keep articles saying the same thing circulating, causing me to think it is an attempt to keep "bad Bush" news in the news, but that is me. At least there is a theory mentioned that the move might be related to the "upcoming" election -- you think?
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has confirmed that he intends to begin withdrawing Italian troops from Iraq as soon as possible.[...]
The Italian media has speculated that the announcement was aimed at a domestic rather than international audience, ahead of Italy's general election.

Italy to Pulls Troops

BBC NEWS -- Italy 'to pull troops from Iraq':
Well this news should make the "left" ecstatic -- let see how gloomy they spin these 3,000 leaving -- BTW I am sure the fact it want be happening for another six months will slip their mind.
Italy is to begin withdrawing its troops from Iraq in September 2005, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has said.
He told Rai state television the pullout would take place 'in agreement with our allies'.
Italy has 3,000 troops in Iraq - the fourth largest foreign contingent.

Marines Snub UAW

Marines snub UAW olive branch - 03/15/05
Well it appears that the UAW really upset the Marines when they barred them and their "Bush bumper stickers" -- that story is here. The Marines are not accepting their apologies it appears.
DETROIT -- The United Auto Workers union waved a white flag Monday in its parking skirmish with neighboring reservists, but the 1st Battalion, 24th Marines are not accepting surrender.

Light Blogging

I have been out all day today and have not been keeping up with the news of the day -- sorry for not blogging anything today, but will resume to my regularly scheduled blather soon.

The Battle Rages On!

ABC News: Court Rules California Cannot Ban Gay Marriages
Well the battle over gay marriage rages on with many more skirmishes on the horizon.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In a victory for gay rights groups, a California Superior Court judge ruled on Monday that the state's voter-approved ban on homosexual marriage is unconstitutional.
Both advocates and opponents of gay marriage said the decision was just one step in what will likely be a long legal battle that may continue for years"
The judge mentioned there was no "rational", reason to prohibit -- well in that case is there a "rational" reason to condone it? What is rational?
  1. Having or exercising the ability to reason.
  2. Of sound mind; sane.
  3. Consistent with or based on reason; logical: rational behavior
Well I submit, as I have about the meaning of "fair", this is a subjective term/word. Who is to decide was is "rational" or "fair" to you, I, or anyone else for that matter. This is just the tip of the "iceberg" -- be prepared to hear about how "irrational" Christians that oppose gay marriage are because now it is supported by a "legal decision"... Doesn't this smell of thought police?

I have never weighed in on my stance -- well I am against it! However, knowing we live in a free country, wanting to ensure my freedoms, and believing that one of God's many gifts was a freedom to choose I personally do not believe I or anyone else should dictate with whom you share yourself. Further, being a Christian and believing that homosexuality is an abomination before God and that marriage is a promise under God and designed by God I cannot support calling homosexual unions a marriage. Hence, I voted and will continue voting for marriage to be defined as a union between a man and women...

With this said -- I have been accused of hate -- which is a fabrication and gets back to my question -- "Doesn't this smell of thought police?". I believe it does, because if the "trend" continues someone will be determining what my thoughts are that guide my motive to be for or against gay marriage and as I have already stated many get it wrong... Basing this decision on rationality is not a rational thing to do in my opinion.

I Believe God Brought Him

Hostage: 'I believe God brought him to my door':
I have heard people on every cable news network imply that Ashley Smith must have developed feelings for this man -- feelings other than human compassion... This is absurd and I simply mark this up to a demonstration of why there is such a national debate over "religion and faith" -- unfortunately we as a country have simply forgotten or many were never taught the power of faith and of God and my hope is this incident will go far in educating our country.
ATLANTA - For hours, Ashley Smith gently talked to the armed suspect in Atlanta's courthouse slayings, turning from hostage to confidant as they discussed God, family, pancakes and the massive manhunt going on outside her apartment.

'I believe God brought him to my door,' Smith said Sunday, only hours after her 911 call ended a manhunt for Brian Nichols, who is accused of shooting four people since Friday.

Over the course of the night, Nichols untied Smith, and some of the fear lessened as they talked. Nichols told Smith he felt like 'he was already dead,' but Smith urged him to consider the fact that he was still alive a 'miracle.'

U.S. Election Coverage Harder on Bush

ABC News: Study Shows U.S. Election Coverage Harder on Bush
What a shocker -- glad the truth is being reported!
The annual report by a press watchdog that is affiliated with Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism said that 36 percent of stories about Bush were negative compared to 12 percent about Kerry, a Massachusetts senator.
Wait just a minute -- While Reuters' above article is accurate; the media proves that once again they are half-right by providing this inaccurate story.
NEW YORK Mar 13, 2005 - A study of news coverage of the war in Iraq fails to support a conclusion that events were portrayed either negatively or positively most of the time.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism looked at nearly 2,200 stories on television, newspapers and Web sites and found that most of them couldn't be categorized either way.
Maybe, as I mentioned here, the United States population is not exposed to the positive stories.

New Bankruptcy Bill is Horrible

I was not happy when this bill passed -- however, thought that many more articulate people across the internet expressed their disdain so I choose not to post anything... Today Jackson's Junction has a video of Dave Ramsey's view of this bill -- I personally like Mr. Ramsey and agree with most of what he says so I thought I would share his opinion of the New Bankruptcy Bill -- video here.

Yes I am poltically conservative and am saying that the Republicans let us down on this one.
(Hat tip: Jackson's Junction)

Sgrena: "I DEMAND..." -- Right

Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - News In English
Now this is getting ridiculous -- it appears that Sgrena is attempting to milk her "fifteen minutes of fame" and worse attempting to use the tragic death of here rescuer to promote here communist agenda. BTW who does she demanding anything from our President, who I might add she has continually ridiculed -- one that will communicate with her government, as is appropriate; although, it appears she has equal distain for her government -- hey she is a communist what can I say...
Rome, March 11 - 'I want the government to investigate on what happened', said Giuliana Sgrena, in an interview with Spanish TV broadcast by Sky TG24, her first ever since she was freed. 'The government is looking at various accounts of the facts', she said, 'but my account coincides with the one provided by the car driver, who also survived. We demand concrete answers on what really happened. Obviously an inquiry commission will be set up. I do have faith in them. What happened was just terrible. Our questions need to be addressed. And not only by the Italian government, but by Mr Bush himself."

Iran says Europeans too Slow

USATODAY.com - Iran says Europeans moving too slowly on nuclear talks
More evidence of Iran learning from North Korea's negotiating technique, which is say "yes, say "no", and then criticize -- my question will Europe be criticized for Iran's tactics as President Bush is for North Korea’s; like either Europe or President Bush can change the mentality of those they are attempting to negotiate with.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran described progress on nuclear talks with Europe as unsatisfactory and too slow, with Tehran's chief negotiator warning Sunday that it soon may walk away from the discussion.
Iran has made such threats before, accusing Europe of wasting time and not making proposals that conform to the Iranian bottom line -that it will develop peaceful nuclear technology. Europe seeks to ensure it does not use the technology to build bombs.

Iraq Won't Be Islamic State

ABC News: Officials Say Iraq Won't Be Islamic State
Well this is good news -- let's see if it becomes a reality; however, their making the effort indicates knowledge that this is needed to establish a successful government.
BAGHDAD, Iraq Mar 12, 2005 -- Ukraine withdrew 150 servicemen from Iraq on Saturday, beginning a gradual pullout, as Shiite and Kurdish politicians refined plans to form a coalition government that officials said includes an agreement not to turn the country into an Islamic state.

Mixed Messages

Appears Iran is being taught about conducting nuclear talks by North Korea -- in one day we get two stories. Which to believe?
The Good
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- One day after the United States agreed not to block Iran's application to join the World Trade Organization, Iran's leader has said his country is ready to temporarily suspend its uranium enrichment program.

President Mohammad Khatami insisted, however, that Iran has a right to nuclear technology.

"We have accepted postponing the activities of uranium enrichment in a voluntary way and only temporarily, even though we have no obligation. We are doing this for moral reasons," he said through an interpreter while visiting Caracas, Venezuela.
Then the Bad
TEHRAN, Iran - Neither threats nor incentives will alter Iran's pursuit of its nuclear program, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said yesterday, defying new moves by the European Union and the United States to ensure Tehran never develops a nuclear bomb.
Asefi rejected Washington's move. "Lifting some restrictions against Iran will not stop Iran from pursuing its rights," Asefi was quoted as saying.
I am sure President Bush will be blamed -- like the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart the "left" loves to believe President Bush has this kind of power -- guess it eases the fact their guy lost the election.

Sgrena - Backs off Claim

Americans were not trying to kill me, hostage decides
Well what do you know -- the hostage herself is coming around; now if the "left-wing nuts" will only admit the obvious.
The Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, who was wounded by American fire last Friday soon after being released by kidnappers in Baghdad, has said that she does not think that the Americans were trying to kill her. 'I never said that they wanted to kill me"

More Interesting Information

US deliberately kept in dark about fatal Italian hostage-freeing: general
This is very interesting.
ROME - US authorities in Iraq were kept in the dark about an Italian operation to free a kidnapped journalist which ended in debacle with an intelligence officer killed by GIs, an Italian general was quoted Saturday as saying.
Mario Marioli, a deputy commander of the US-led coalition troops in Iraq, was quoted by the Italian newspaper La Repubblica as saying: "I asked Calipari if I should inform our American allies of the hostage-freeing operation, but his reply was that under no circumstances was the ally to be informed."