Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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The Battle Rages On!

ABC News: Court Rules California Cannot Ban Gay Marriages
Well the battle over gay marriage rages on with many more skirmishes on the horizon.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In a victory for gay rights groups, a California Superior Court judge ruled on Monday that the state's voter-approved ban on homosexual marriage is unconstitutional.
Both advocates and opponents of gay marriage said the decision was just one step in what will likely be a long legal battle that may continue for years"
The judge mentioned there was no "rational", reason to prohibit -- well in that case is there a "rational" reason to condone it? What is rational?
  1. Having or exercising the ability to reason.
  2. Of sound mind; sane.
  3. Consistent with or based on reason; logical: rational behavior
Well I submit, as I have about the meaning of "fair", this is a subjective term/word. Who is to decide was is "rational" or "fair" to you, I, or anyone else for that matter. This is just the tip of the "iceberg" -- be prepared to hear about how "irrational" Christians that oppose gay marriage are because now it is supported by a "legal decision"... Doesn't this smell of thought police?

I have never weighed in on my stance -- well I am against it! However, knowing we live in a free country, wanting to ensure my freedoms, and believing that one of God's many gifts was a freedom to choose I personally do not believe I or anyone else should dictate with whom you share yourself. Further, being a Christian and believing that homosexuality is an abomination before God and that marriage is a promise under God and designed by God I cannot support calling homosexual unions a marriage. Hence, I voted and will continue voting for marriage to be defined as a union between a man and women...

With this said -- I have been accused of hate -- which is a fabrication and gets back to my question -- "Doesn't this smell of thought police?". I believe it does, because if the "trend" continues someone will be determining what my thoughts are that guide my motive to be for or against gay marriage and as I have already stated many get it wrong... Basing this decision on rationality is not a rational thing to do in my opinion.