Shame on Them
You mean they weren't 'Monitoring'--I don't think that is what the article means; however, it should have been worded differently (Pentagon to 'Better' Monitor..., or Pentagon to 'Increase' Monitoring...). To make a statements like this indicates to the public, a public that may not and probably doesn't know better, that recruiters up till now have had free rein--I can assure they have not, or didn't in my time! Either way I do agree that there is a need to find if these complaints are legitimate and 'weed out' the offenders.
Pentagon to Monitor Recruiters
Pentagon to Monitor Recruiters
SAN JOSE, California - The Defense Department has announced it will closely monitor military recruiters and their commanders in light of two investigations - one by the government, the other by The Associated Press - that found increased levels of recruiter misconduct.Technorati Tags: Military, Recruiting, Pentagon