Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

Good Week GOP - Bad Week for Jackasses

Fine way to end the week for the Whitehouse--a really bad ending to the week for the 'cut and run' Democrats...  This news and the torpedo to the 'culture of courrtion' campaign, namely William Jefferson, is an end for a bad week for the DNC!

U.S. troop pullout timetable rejected by House
WASHINGTON - The U.S. House rejected setting a timetable for a military withdrawal from Iraq after a 10-hour debate Friday in which both parties previewed their election-year strategies on the controversial war.
Lawmakers approved, 255-153, a nonbinding GOP resolution stating that the Iraq conflict is part of the war on terrorism and no deadline should be set for pulling out the troops.
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