Bunch of Hubbub for Nothing
More evidence that the media could care less about truth and accuracy in their quest to destroy this administration! Fortunately, their attacks appear to involve someone or something that is willing to step up and challenge them... I still wonder why the administration doesn't challenge these 'liars' more often -- yes 'liars', to use your position to promote hearsay and innuendo as fact in an effort to sway others (the population) to your agenda is LYING! Challenging them (the MSM) and demonstrating their lies and 'half-truths' is the ONLY way to stop the BULL!
Verizon: We Didn't Give Customers' Call Records to NSA Either
Verizon: We Didn't Give Customers' Call Records to NSA Either
NEW YORK — Verizon Communications Inc. denied Tuesday that it had received a request for customer phone records from the National Security Agency, bringing into question key points of a USA Today story.Now pay close attention to this!
"Contrary to the media reports, Verizon was not asked by NSA to provide, nor did Verizon provide, customer phone records," the New York-based phone company said in an e-mailed statement. The statement came a day after BellSouth Corp. also said the NSA had never requested customer call data, nor had the company provided any.
Verizon also said USA Today erred in not drawing a distinction between long-distance and local telephone calls.Let's look at USA Today's justification for their deceit -- guess 'no comment' only works for Democrats!
"Phone companies do not even make records of local calls in most cases because the vast majority of customers are not billed per call for local calls," Verizon's statement said.
USA Today said in a follow-up story Tuesday that BellSouth did not challenge the initial report when given details about it before publication. But BellSouth spokesman Jeff Battcher said he never agreed to the reporter's allegations when presented with them.Technorati Tags: media bias, domestic spying, phone calls