About the Regurgitated Story
If you missed it, though doubtful, USA Today regurgitated an old story about "domestic" phone calls. Andrew C. McCarthy picks the intent of the story apart... This regurgitation is getting old, don't you think?
Big Brother is watching you. Collecting your names and addresses. Mapping out your telephone numbers and e-mail address. Making note of your interests. Paying close attention to how you spend your money.
After all, if you wade through all the layers of reporter Leslie Cauley’s conscious misdirection—including the silly observations about government failing to seek judicial warrants before obtaining non-private information for which government has never been required to get warrants—you will learn that scrupulous measures were actually taken by the National Security Agency and cooperating telephone companies to withhold customer names, street addresses and other personal identifiers from the government.
No, I’m not talking about the Big Brother at the NSA. Or the big Big Brother in the Oval Office.
I’m talking about the 535 Big Brothers (and Sisters) in Congress.