Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Laura Bush says sexism... Mistake!

In defending the President's nomination, First Lady Laura Bush says sexism possible in Miers criticism -- this is a mistake! I have not made many if any personal comments about the choice; however, those that are opposed are not "sexist" and in fact some of the most outspoken opponents are FEMALE. To continue this course of defense could alienate some supporters.

I will say, in my opinion, President Bush has a pretty good "track record" with his choices... With that said, the choice is made -- let process move forward -- defending the choice is fine but throwing out words like sexism comes dangerously close to liberals throwing "racism" around referring to Katrina -- it is totally unfounded and appears ridiculous. Some excerpts from The Post:
COVINGTON, Louisiana (Reuters) - First lady Laura Bush joined her husband in defending his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday and said it was possible some critics were being sexist in their opposition to Harriet Miers.