Hillary's Got a Challenger!
The Westchester County, New York District Attorney, Jeanine Pirro has announced she will challenge Clinton for the Senate seat. This ought to be interesting -- two women and one has dreams of running for President meaning that she will not be serving the people of New York for a minimum of 18 months during the term she is running for.
ALBANY, N.Y. -- Jeanine Pirro, a high-profile prosecutor from the New York City area, said Monday she will seek the Republican nomination to challenge Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in her bid for re-election next year.and from The New York Times
'I am running against Hillary Clinton because New York state deserves a senator who will give her all to the people of New York for a full term, who will not miss votes to campaign in (presidential) primaries,' Pirro said in a statement.
'When Mrs. Clinton first came to us and said she wanted to be a New Yorker, she asked New York to put out a welcome mat and we did,' the Westchester County district attorney added. 'But now she wants us to re-elect her even though she won't promise to serve out her term and wants to use us as a springboard to the presidency. She's asking us to become her doormat. I believe we deserve better.'