Do Chemicals Count as WMD(s)?
Since an Iraqi chemical stash was uncovered, I have a few questions. Do chemicals count as WMD(s)? When did these make it into Iraq? Were these chemicals there before our invasion, and if yes and chemicals do count as WMD(s), does this mean WMD(s) did indeed exist? If they did exist does this revelation and the "Able Danger" revelation render the 9/11 Commission a large waste of time? Sure there is some facetiousness there but it is food for thought.
BAGHDAD, Aug. 13 -- U.S. troops raiding a warehouse in the northern city of Mosul uncovered a suspected chemical weapons factory containing 1,500 gallons of chemicals believed destined for attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces and civilians, military officials said Saturday.
Monday's early morning raid found 11 precursor agents, 'some of them quite dangerous by themselves,' a military spokesman, Lt. Col. Steven A. Boylan, said in Baghdad.