Follow-up on Funeral Crasher
To follow up on Moon-bat Liberal Funeral Crashers; Governor Rendell will send apology to Marine's family. Is this enough? I agree with Michelle Malkin, it is not enough - where is the public apology. Some updates to the story from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette which ran the original story over the weekend:
Written apologies will be sent to a fallen Marine's relatives angered by Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll's uninvited appearance at the soldier's funeral and her criticism of the war in Iraq, Gov. Ed Rendell said Sunday.
Rendell said he will send a personal letter to the family of the late Marine Staff Sgt. Joseph Goodrich, of Westwood, and will ask Knoll to do the same. Goodrich, 32, a police officer and infantry unit leader, died July 10 in a mortar attack in Hit, Iraq.