Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Planned Parenthood Give Up the Records

Planned Parenthood Is Told to Show Children's Files
CHICAGO, May 31 - Planned Parenthood of Indiana has to show state investigators the medical records of some of its youngest patients, a judge ruled on Tuesday. The judge rejected the organization's contention that disclosing such records could have a chilling effect on patients across the state.
Since March, Attorney General Steve Carter has been seeking the records of more than 80 patients younger than 14, saying his Medicaid fraud unit is trying to determine whether children have been neglected because molesting incidents were not reported to the authorities as required. Under Indiana law, anyone under 14 who is sexually active is considered a victim of sexual abuse, and health providers are required to report such cases to the state authorities.
Just a few questions:
  1. Arguments I hear for not requiring parental notification is parental abuse and by REPORTING this abuse these animals can get what they so richly deserve under the law; so why wouldn't they want to?
  2. Are they attempting to prove a point?
  3. What would Planned Parenthoot say about a conservative religious organization that defied a current law to make a point?