Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Military Leaders Have had it With Teddy

Military brass hit Kennedy for saying war is 'quagmire'-The Washington Times
I am glad to see the Military leaders letting it be known they are not taking these comments by democratic leaders lying down -- it says something when the military leaders actually have to step up and talk back to our political leaders when historically they have quietly allowed politics to be politics... Just a polite way of telling Teddy to "put a sock in it".
Army Gen. George Casey then injected himself into the debate.
'As the commander in Iraq, I would like to put myself on the record, Senator Kennedy, as saying that I also agree with the secretary that to represent the situation in Iraq as a quagmire is a misrepresentation of the facts,' Gen. Casey said. 'Senator, that is not a quagmire.'