Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

Interesting Review of Liberal Thinking

Herald Sun: How the Left gets loonier
I found this article describing one of Australia's "liberal media elites" comments interesting -- if we did not know it was a Australian liberal one could easily think it was a United States liberal.
Jaspan is editor-in-chief of The Age, Australia's most Left-wing daily newspaper, and on ABC radio on Wednesday said how 'boorish' and 'coarse' Wood was at his press conference this week when he called his captors 'a---holes'.
You might wonder whether Jaspan, the Englishman whose paper on that same day published a big picture on page one of naked girls from Big Brother, has the right to call anyone else 'coarse'.