Interesting Review of Liberal Thinking
Herald Sun: How the Left gets loonier
I found this article describing one of Australia's "liberal media elites" comments interesting -- if we did not know it was a Australian liberal one could easily think it was a United States liberal.
I found this article describing one of Australia's "liberal media elites" comments interesting -- if we did not know it was a Australian liberal one could easily think it was a United States liberal.
Jaspan is editor-in-chief of The Age, Australia's most Left-wing daily newspaper, and on ABC radio on Wednesday said how 'boorish' and 'coarse' Wood was at his press conference this week when he called his captors 'a---holes'.
You might wonder whether Jaspan, the Englishman whose paper on that same day published a big picture on page one of naked girls from Big Brother, has the right to call anyone else 'coarse'.