Michael Kinsley Moves Right?
Bush Gets B+ for Honesty, Even Courage, on Social Security
Mr. Kinsley may loose his key to the executive(liberal) bathroom at the LA Times building... Nonetheless, he is on the semi-right track...
Mr. Kinsley may loose his key to the executive(liberal) bathroom at the LA Times building... Nonetheless, he is on the semi-right track...
Above all, Bush was honest and even courageous about Social Security. Social Security is about writing checks: Money goes in, money goes out. As Bush has discovered in the last few months, there are no shadows to hide in while you fiddle with it. The problem is fewer and fewer workers supporting more and more retirees, and there are only two possible solutions: Someone has to pay more in, and/or someone has to take less out.Hat tip: Michelle Malkin
On Thursday, Bush didn't exactly go from explicitly denying this to explicitly admitting it. But he went from implicitly suggesting that his privatization scheme is a pain-free solution to implicitly endorsing a plan for serious benefit cuts. For a politician, that's an admirable difference.