Democrats' Bluff
Calling Democrats' Bluff - New York Times
David Brooks has a good article on the Democrats hokum -- smoke screen in mirrors to hide their true agenda, simply oppose President Bush on anything and everything.
David Brooks has a good article on the Democrats hokum -- smoke screen in mirrors to hide their true agenda, simply oppose President Bush on anything and everything.
Over this time, Democrats have been hectoring President Bush in the manner of an overripe Fourth of July orator. The president should be summoning us to make shared sacrifices for the common good. The president should care for the poor, and stop favoring the rich. He should make the hard choices and impose a little fiscal discipline on government.
Over the past few weeks, the president has called their bluff.
The Democratic leadership has dropped all that shared sacrifice talk and started making demagogic appeals to people's narrow self-interest. Nancy Pelosi cries out that Bush's progressive indexing idea means "cutting the benefits of middle-class seniors." Representative Sander Levin protests it "would result in the biggest benefit cut in the history of Social Security." [Read more here]