Woody's Things

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Be Prepared for a Bitter Outburst

Top News Article | Reuters.com
Well liberals may not believe this is punishment, but none us of knows what it means for a General to be demoted... However, the liberals may not be happy about the punishment but they might be happy about the "bitter remarks" possibly coming from the now demoted General, which will be sad and demeaning for her, in my opinion.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A one-star Army Reserve general became the first high-level military officer punished in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal on Thursday when President Bush demoted her to the rank of colonel.
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski was disciplined after Army leaders deemed her job performance 'seriously lacking' and accused her of concealing a past shoplifting arrest.
The Army said in a statement Karpinski had been reduced in rank to colonel, although an investigation by the Army inspector general's office 'determined that no action or lack of action on her part contributed specifically to the abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib.'
Karpinski said last year she was being used as a "convenient scapegoat" for detainee abuse that was the fault of others.