This Should Make you Warm and Fuzzy
Illegal Workers Raise Security Concerns - Yahoo! News
This story should give you a "warm fuzzy feeling" about how serious airlines and airports are taking your security -- actually NOT! At least Homeland Security did catch them, but what will happen to the companies that hired them and gave them access to secured areas and aircraft? That is the question -- it should cost them and cost them big and drives them to practice proper hiring procedures; unfortunately what do you bet the ACLU will be screaming rights violation if and when the proper practices actually are followed?
This story should give you a "warm fuzzy feeling" about how serious airlines and airports are taking your security -- actually NOT! At least Homeland Security did catch them, but what will happen to the companies that hired them and gave them access to secured areas and aircraft? That is the question -- it should cost them and cost them big and drives them to practice proper hiring procedures; unfortunately what do you bet the ACLU will be screaming rights violation if and when the proper practices actually are followed?
The Homeland Security Department arrested 57 illegal immigrants last month working at airports and other risk-sensitive facilities around the country, underscoring concerns that lax employment background checks are leaving a security breach for terrorists to exploit.
In one example, a Peruvian was hired as an airplane mechanic in Greensboro, N.C., using a fake Social Security card he bought for $70 on a soccer field, according to court documents. In another, a Florida power plant was alerted to a Mexican working at its nuclear facility only after being tipped off by labor union employees, company officials said.