Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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Frist Calls for Respect for Judges

My Way News - Frist Defends Effort to End Filibusters
Guess this will not produce the sound-bites Democrats hope for -- "judges deserve respect", but we will see how they spin it.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was telling conservatives on Sunday that judges deserve 'respect, not retaliation no matter how they rule,' and he defended his effort to strip Democrats of their ability to block votes on President Bush's court nominees.
'I don't think its radical to ask senators to vote. I don't think its radical to expect senators to fulfill their constitutional responsibilities,' Frist said.
The spin has already started -- in a story about Senator Frist they writer still got his shots in at Tom Delay and attempted to make Frist look bad in doing so.
Instead, Frist seemed intent on steering clear of the views expressed by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, and other conservatives in and out of Congress who have urged investigations and even possible impeachment of judges they describe as activists.
Some more words that want make a good "critical" sound-bite and ring true. By the way -- what is wrong with voicing your opinion about a decision you believe wrong - remember the continual out cry about the 2000 election from Democrats -- I guess this right as with many others are only reserved for the left.
"Our judiciary must be independent, impartial and fair," Frist said in his taped remarks.
"When we think judicial decisions are outside mainstream American values, we will say so. But we must also be clear that the balance of power among all three branches requires respect - not retaliation. I won't go along with that," Frist said.