Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

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"Can't We All Just Get Along" - NO

CNN.com - Ethics chairman offers investigation of DeLay
Is anyone surprised by this? Whine - whine - whine; all the way to at lest 2006 is the Democratic strategy I suppose or they simply know they have nothing that will hold up to scrutiny -- mind you I am nether a supporter or opposer of Delay - still making up my mind.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Republican chairman of the House ethics committee offered on Wednesday to begin an investigation of Majority Leader Tom DeLay to end a stalemate that has kept the panel from functioning this year.
Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Washington, made the proposal at a news conference flanked by three of the four other Republicans on the ethics panel. The evenly divided committee also has five Democrats.
Senior committee Democrat Alan Mollohan of West Virginia quickly rejected the offer, saying his party would continue blocking the panel from operating unless investigative rules imposed by Republicans were changed.
This is the second time in two weeks that Republicans tried to break the deadlock, while Democrats have held their ground and criticized the GOP-written rules for investigating lawmakers, passed in January without Democratic support. Democrats have accused the majority party of writing the rules to protect DeLay.