More on Drilling ANWR
KnoxNews: Frist, Alexander cite potential supply
I am not currently living in Tennessee, but am a Vol by the grace of God, and found this article informative... I agree with the thought process of both senators.
I am not currently living in Tennessee, but am a Vol by the grace of God, and found this article informative... I agree with the thought process of both senators.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said: 'The high cost of gasoline illustrates that our nation is too dependent on foreign oil. I believe that we can access this vital energy supply in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.'Here is the rebuttal from the same article:
Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said gasoline prices are going up 25 cents a gallon and nearly 60 percent of U.S. oil supply comes from overseas.
'It makes no sense to ignore a new source of American oil that should produce as much oil as Texas already produces each year,' he said.
Kate Prevost of U.S. PIRG's Southeastern office in Atlanta said the group concluded from a U.S. Geological Survey study in 1998 that there may be only a one-year supply of economically recoverable oil in the targeted 2,000 acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.Notice that may is the key word in the rebuttal! Now we should not drill the 2,000 acres, which is less then .0015 of the overall 1.5 million acres in question -- based on the fact it may not produce; what if it does? Now here is something for the environmentalist, what if it does not? Wouldn't this reinforce any arguments they may have for future drilling sites? Now me personally if I was battling for the environmentalist and I knew that this would not produce I would say go ahead what is a .0015 sacrifice for the overall good; giving us a bigger stick to fight with...but are they that confident in their science?
"It's not going to be enough to make a dent in our dependence on foreign oil," she said.