I blogged earlier earlier it appeared that Ayman al-Zawahri was apparently killed in a early morning strike Friday. We then got mixed reports -- now it appears he did not attend a dinner/meeting he was expected to attend. I do wish we got him.
Al-Qaida leader was invited to dinner - International Terrorism - MSNBC.com PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader was invited to dinner marking an Islamic holiday at the Pakistani border village struck by a purported CIA airstrike, but he did not show up, intelligence officials said Sunday.
Now we have Pakistanis protesting along with the "gotcha" Americans screaming about all the innocents -- let us look at some more excerpts.
Al-Zawahri sent some aides to the dinner instead and investigators were trying to determine whether they had been in any of the three houses that were destroyed in the missile strike that killed at least 17 people, one of the officials said.
First if al-Zawahri was invited and expected to attend and second if there were Al-Qaeda "aides" or members there -- how innocent were/are these innocents? What if I invited a multiple murder to my house for dinner oh and had no intention of notifying the authorities that he/she would be there? To carry this further while we were eating law enforcement shows up and all heck breaks out, hostages are taken, a standoff ensues, and people die -- would liberal America be crying for me?
Other entries:
One can hope,
Waiting to See!, and
Mixed ReportsTechnorati Tags:
Since I am a Cowboy fan since I can't remember when -- their out!
Since I am a Colts fan via Volunteer Football and Peyton Manning -- their out!
and a Denver fan since hating John Elway early, ending up liking him, and living in Colorado -- guess it's Go Broncos!
Hey wait, I spent some time around the Seattle area too -- I give up, guess I will watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.
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I am still pondering this one! My initial reaction is, hooah! My concern, we are currently talking officers in the military and higher income civilians -- what of a delivery driver or a floor associate who is an E-5 in the military? Guess I will wait, watch, and see -- but again initially I say, hooah!, let's hope the action results in support across all classes and ranks.
U.S. sues airline over benefitsThe Department of Justice has filed a class-action lawsuit against American Airlines, saying the carrier illegally denied benefits to pilots while they were serving in National Guard and Reserve units. Justice officials said it was the first time they had filed a class-action case charging an employer with violating a 1994 law designed to protect employees who leave their jobs temporarily to serve in military units. The Department of Justice said Thursday night that it filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Dallas on behalf of three Naval Reserve and Air National Guard pilots.
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I posted last night that the Osama's No. 2 had been targeted was apparently dead -- we were waiting on forensic test to confirm. You can see them
here and
here. Now we have this report:
Pakistan Condemns Purported CIA Airstrike - Yahoo! News "Their information was wrong, and our investigations conclude that they acted on a false information," said a senior Pakistani intelligence official with direct knowledge of Pakistan's investigations into the attack.
His account was confirmed by a senior government official who said al-Zawahri "was not there." Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the subject's sensitivity.
But we also have this report...
ABC News: U.S. Aircraft Targeted al Qaeda Leader This morning, CIA officials remained optimistic about the strike, but there still has been no confirmation that Zawahiri was among those killed at the scene. However, Pakistani officials now have told the Associated Press they have information that Zawahiri was not at the scene, though it's not clear how they know that.
I guess we are still in wait and see mode.
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This picture is of Iran's uranium enrichment facility at Natanz. You might want to download this picture and keep in your files... You know if anything happens the MSM and liberals will eventually disavow pictures like this ever existed..
Just admit it -- you got smoked and move on? I hope when and if the democrats can ever muster a win to get the Whitehouse, republicans remember these games with nominees...
Democrats May Delay Alito Nomination Vote WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrats confirmed Friday that they will make a last-ditch attempt to slow Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito's momentum by delaying the first vote on his candidacy.
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I know it is "bad" to hope for another's death, but I just cannot help myself...
CNN.com - Sources: Airstrike may have killed bin Laden's No. 2 - Jan 13, 2006 (CNN) -- A CIA airstrike on a building in Pakistan may have killed Osama bin Laden's most-trusted aide, sources said. The building where Ayman al-Zawahiri was thought to be is in Damadola, a small village near the Afghan border.
I would be interested in know the answer to this posed by
Michelle Malkin.
Michelle Malkin: WHERE WAS HILLARY? On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton appeared on Good Morning America to lambaste the Bush administration for not caring about troops who need more body armor. She demanded an investigation.
On Wednesday, Senate Armed Service Committee chairman John Warner did exactly that.
But Hillary didn't bother to show up. Via the Washington Times:
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I would say the democrats are concerned -- some of the judges testifying were Clinton appointees and their testimonies pretty much rendered their (the Dems) four day circus moot!
CNN.com - Democrats frown on judges' - Jan 12, 2006 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As the fourth day of sometimes-contentious hearings for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito came to a close Thursday, Democrats expressed concern over an unusual move in which seven of Alito's fellow judges on a U.S. appeals court testified on his behalf. Democrats challenged the move as a violation of the judicial code of conduct -- an allegation GOP senators refuted -- and that it presents a conflict of interest because the judges' cases could come before Alito on appeal if he's appointed to the high court.
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Don't you know that like ever other nation that has been threaten or actually confronted by the "U. N. Security Council" -- Iran is really "shanking in their boots". Please, any action taking by the U. N. will be
irrelevant as usual.
EU trio calls for U.N. Security Council referralEurope's three leading powers yesterday demanded that the U.N. Security Council confront Iran over its nuclear programs, saying talks to curb Tehran's efforts had reached a "dead end." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice immediately endorsed the idea, telling reporters in Washington that Tehran's decision Tuesday to abandon a moratorium on enriching uranium that could be used for bombs had "shattered the basis for negotiations." Meeting in Berlin, the foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany called for an emergency meeting of the board of the Vienna, Austria-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), with an eye toward referring Tehran to the U.N. Security Council for sanctions.
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Back when Clinton was President the New York Times didn't seem to have a problem with eavesdropping... But that was another president. Some might even say The Times defended it.
Lawmakers Raise Questions About International Spy Network While few dispute the necessity of a system like Echelon to apprehend foreign spies, drug traffickers and terrorists...
Judith Emmel, chief of public affairs for the NSA, declined to comment about the UKUSA Agreement but said the agency was committed to responding to all information requests covered by Barr's amendment. "The NSA's Office of General Counsel works hard to ensure that all Agency activities are conducted in accordance with the highest constitutional, legal and ethical standards," she said.
(Hat tip:
The American Thinker) -- more
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Google has introduced a "mobile" personalized homepage -- wonder why we did not hear of this at CES? Anyway you can find out more below...
Google Mobile Your Google personalized homepage puts the information you care about on one web page -- and now you can access that page on your mobile phone or device, in a phone-friendly format that's easy to read and navigate.
I am sure you have read all about this in the MSM, well maybe not. To get us started look at --
Major Terror Plot Against US Ignored By US Media The mainstream U.S. media outlets have failed to report a major terrorist plot against the U.S. - because it would tend to support President Bush's use of NSA domestic surveillance, according to media watchdog groups. News of a planned attack masterminded by three Algerians operating out of Italy was widely reported outside the U.S., but went virtually unreported in the American media. Italian authorities recently announced that they had used wiretaps to uncover the conspiracy to conduct a series of major attacks inside the U.S.
Now for the "doubting Thomas" look at
GeoROME: Three Algerians arrested in an anti-terrorist operation in southern Italy are suspected of being linked to a planned new series of attacks in the United States, Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu said on Friday.
TurkishPress.comThe attacks would have targeted ships, stadiums or railway stations in a bid to outdo the September 11, 2001 strikes by Al-Qaeda in New York and Washington which killed some 2,700 people, Pisanu said.
Keep in mind this all happened December 23, 2005 -- heard anything?
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Senator Joseph Biden caught in a lie -- the ole "tell them what the want to hear" bit him. Wonder if any MSM outlets will pick up on this?
The Daily Princetonian - Biden criticizes Princeton "I didn't even like Princeton," he said, to laughter from the gallery. "I mean, I really didn't like Princeton. I was an Irish Catholic kid who thought it had not changed like you concluded it had," referring to Alito's earlier statement that Princeton had changed its traditional ways before he enrolled.
BUT in 2004 speaking at Princeton:"It's an honor to be here," he told the audience. "It would have been an even greater honor to have come here."
What do you think today's liberals would call Winston Churchill for his comments below?
Datelines - The Churchill Centre Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.
Unfortunately I have had a serious bout of stomach ailments --
having cat scans, MRI(s). etc., etc., etc.... I have a question for the
readers here. Have you ever gone to see a doctor and told him/her
exactly what is wrong only to be told it could be this or that and told
how this could causes serious problem up to and including death? You
give in to their request to participate in the testing because you will
not get the medicine you know you need (know will cure it) until they
verify and your wife is now terrified (at least she loves you)? Now we
do the testing -- feeling miserable, unable to walk standing straight,
and on no medication -- you waste an entire day unable to go to work
and know that if you were correct you could have been back to work
tomorrow, but NO now you will have to miss yet another day.
After this excruciating day it is discovered, what do you know, that
you were exactly right and the doctor gives you the exact treatment you
requested... I will not go into the added expense of unnecessary test
really because it does not affect me as it would others.
My point -- is there something to be said about the patient knowing
themselves? Should a doctor acknowledge -- “gee, you were correct”
after all it is called practicing medicine? I realize that in many
cases one can complain of "under treatment" but does this example of
"over treatment" represent the fear of lawsuit if the "possible"
complications come to past?
Awe, guess I am just rambling -- guess the pain killers are getting to me -- just wish they would put me to sleep.